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방글라데시 농촌 교통 개선 프로젝트 요약

페이지 정보

작성자 사무총장 작성일 20-05-11 11:28 조회 1,265회 댓글 0건


본회 자문위원이신 유정길 전 유신 부회장님이 수행하신 방글라데시 프로젝트 요약문 입니다.

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Summary of Rural Transport Improvement Project(RTIP-II) in Bangladesh


The Government of Bangladesh(GOB) has received a loan from International Development Association(IDA) of World Bank for Second Rural Transport Improvement Project(RTIP-II) which was implemented by the Local Government Engineering Department(LGED) under Local Government Division(LGD) of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives(MLGRD&C). A preparatory study for the abovementioned project as a follow-up of RTIP-I has been completed. The total project cost is estimated to be about US $ 432 million and a five-year project commenced from November 2012 covering 26 of 64 administrative districts of Bangladesh. The scope of projects are Accessibility Improvement(Rural Road/Waterway Improvement and Maintenance, and Construction of Growth Center Markets) and Project Implementation, Institutional Development and Governance and Road Safety.





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